
Where is rural? An analysis of the agreement between quantitative measures of rurality

Government agencies and researchers often rely on quantitative measures to map where rural places are and who belongs to rural communities. To better understand the consistency, or lack thereof, across different quantitative rural measures, we … goes live!

The Community Assets and Relative Rurality (CARR) index now has its own website at! On the website we provide open access to the original block group scale CARR data as well as CARR data for several additional spatial scales including: school districts, ZIP codes, and counties.

Examining the State of Community Well-Being at the Intersection of Rurality and Agricultural Engagement in the Contiguous United States.

As the 21st century progresses, rural residents across the United States have often found themselves in disadvantaged positions by many socio-economic measures compared to their urban counterparts. In addition, agriculture– once the emblem of …

Congratulations to Jean on his recent publication!

Jean’s first-author paper Examining the State of Community Well-Being at the Intersection of Rurality and Agricultural Engagement in the Contiguous United States was recently published in the International Journal of Community Well-Being!

Community assets and relative rurality index (1.0.0) [Data set]

Sustainable Adaptations to the Future Environment of Kansas

Learn more about our work on project SAFE KAW in this video. The full series of SAFE KAW updates on all aspects of the project can be found at the Kansas Geological Survey’s YouTube channel.

Community assets and relative rurality index: A multi-dimensional measure of rurality

Rurality is often viewed as presenting challenges to community sustainability, well-being, and equity. To address the unique challenges of rural areas, policies and practices have been designed specifically for application in places designated as …

Rural sustainability methods, drivers, and outcomes: A systematic review

In the past three decades, sustainability science has taken on new importance as interest groups investigate better ways to tackle global challenges—environmental degradation, climate change, and human well-being—that pose risks to communities, …

Definitions, measures, and uses of rurality: A systematic review of the empirical and quantitative literature

Definitions and measures of rurality are important to researchers and policymakers as they have implications for policy and practice. By conducting a systematic review, we provide a comprehensive overview of the various ways in which rurality has …